7 Apr 2013

I spy with my little eye

a friggin huge sty. WTF?

Not only am I due to fly to Warsaw tomorrow for a work summit, but also does that require a 4:30 am wake up, I have been cultivating a rather large puss filled eye spot, aka sty, which is now turning an alarming shade of red and is getting in the line of sight. Grrrrreat.

I've never been to Warsaw,
(shit... I forgot to check in... shoooooooot, I hope I still get a good seat.

Ahh, I got a good seat. FYI, the good seats to me, since I travel economy, are the ones closest to the front and depending on length and time of flight, either aisle or window, cuz then I can either go to pee as often as I want - and don't underestimate the bliss of being able to empty the bladder when you feel like it rather than waiting for your seat neighbor to wake up - or snuggle up lovingly to the window to try and twist your body in a semi sleep supporting posture).

Phew... anyway, yes, Warsaw, never been and I'm looking forward to it, but after a felt 9 month winter in the UK, the thought of snow makes me groan like a 16 year old boy being dropped at school by his mom and having to endure public displays of mom affection.

Anyway, the last few days: On Thursday, the British Boy obligingly brought red meat and we had a bun-less burger with potato and parsnip fries and a side salad. The beer after the stallion was a Coopers Brewery sparkling ale, which was more subtle in taste. I didn't care for it that much after having had the horsey beer. I think I'd have to start with this one to appreciate it more...

Friday, I ate more than was on my food plan again. This is a concerning pattern, once I reach a threshold, my 'fuck it' button get pushed and I eat lots more. This is generally in the evening and I justify it with ridiculous excuses, like 'I exercised today and am totally allowed chocolate, popcorn AND ice cream', 'Oh, my main didn't contain carbs' or (even better, as if that would be a sane argument) 'My dinner companion ate more than me'. Seriously?? And if my diner companion were to inject heroine, would that mean I'm allowed too? Bullshit.

I digress, the culinary highlight of yesterday, after pretty intense acupuncture and group, where, yes, I cried in front of about 30 people, were these scallops. Holy shit, they were delicious. Seriously addictive. I grated a Jerusalem artichoke to speed up the sautéing process and sprinkled some roasted hazelnuts into the mix. Totally worked, especially when I drizzled the browned butter on top. To make the best scallops to date, I followed her instructions to the T. I laugh out loud each time I read that post. 

Ok, I'll take my yucky eyelid and sorry ass out of the house to work on the never-ending garden project the British Boy started last summer with the promise it would take about 3 weeks... Erm, yes, that's so not happening... I also want to sow some of our veg seeds outside, hopefully there will be no more frost.
Here is to exciting weekends.

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