12 Feb 2013

Today, I'm a commitment to balance

Today, I have not thrown up for 99 days. Today, I am a Commitment To Balance. Today, I am open to not seeing my world black or white, all or nothing, good or bad, thin or fat, too much or not enough. Today, I am cringing slightly as I write that I am 'on a journey' to a healthier life, but it's actually true.

I am a recovering bulimic and have been puking for about 12 years, almost every day, oftentimes several times a day - in the quest to stay thin, to be perfect, to shut up the voice in my head that told me if I only achieved a certain shape, got toned, reached a certain weight, then I would be loveable and my life would be that much better. I call BULLSHIT on that.

Thanks, lady, for getting me to start this. I heart you, my dear girl.

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