21 Mar 2013

I LOVE Thursdays!

I really do, mostly because they're only one day away from Friday, which is practically part of the weekend already. Aaah, weekend, the thought of sleeping in and resting and relaxing makes me physically go soft and calm. I long for the weekend.

It's been a hectic week so far. Feels like I've been fighting fires at work and had challenges that really hit my core (as much as I am open to inviting others to provide me with constructive feedback, I have such a hard time not taking it personally!).

Amazing fact number 1: I have not thought about calories obsessively all week. Don't get me wrong, I have not gone all out and started eating loaves upon loaves of white bread or cakes or pizza or pasta, which are things I am still intimidated by. I make healthy choices and think about whether my craving/hunger actually signals my body's needs for sustenance or for comfort. I try not to eat for comfort - it never fills the hole and emptiness.

So here are some of my meals this week:

Tuesday Night, dinner with a dear dear friend. Each time I see her, I walk away with my head full of ideas, she's that inspirational. I had an amazing burger with fried egg, raw beetroot, a soft-squishy bun and a side salad at the Ginger Pig Cafe in Hoxton whilst catching up, talking about life and dreams and holidays!

 Wednesday night was a delicious bowl of quinoa, vegetables, avocado and chipotle salsa.

And breakfast this AM was a hearty slice of my Irish Brown Soda bread that I pulled out of the freezer, topped with a quarter of a big avocado, chili flakes, lime and salt & pepper. This filled me up right until 1:30pm.

Here is my check in today (and I have gone for a walk today, did some meditation at lunch and am now trying to finish up on several things at work):

I am thankful for yesterday:
  • Being able to run to work, despite now suffering from hip pain again.
  • Enjoying a lovely dinner in the evening.
  • Having good chats with people at work.
  • Having a meaningful therapy session.
  • Having enough money to pay for all the things in life I enjoy.
  • Not throwing up.
Today, I feel anxious and overwhelmed. I have taken on too much – back to back meetings, with a plumber coming at some point, so I’ll potentially have to drop out of an important meeting to let her in. My shoulders are tight and my breath is shallow. I am not fully engaging with the program, with my inner spot of calmness. I feel rushed and under pressure.

I have 1 hour at lunch where I would like to meditate for 10 minutes. If I can’t at that time, I’d like to do that in the evening.

I am a commitment to balance.

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