31 Mar 2013

Nothing to write

I have not that much to share, which is a good thing, I guess. Easter is relaxing and quite uneventful. No major disasters.

I woke up yesterday, had a big bowl of porridge with apple, berries and a side of smoked salmon. I couldn't resist it. I don't normally buy it, so I felt I should take advantage of having it around at the in laws. In hindsight, I'd probably have to say that this is a perfect example of my fear of missing out. One of the main reasons why I eat compulsively throughout the day is fuelled by a sense of greed. What if the one thing I don't have is the best thing ever and I missed it?!? I know that's not likely the case at all, yet that is what my head tells me.

After a rejuvenating walk in the country side and a long chat with a lovely fellow 12stepper, I had a big bowl of unpictured leftover chick pea and lamb stew. My afternoon snack was an orange, some blue cheese and two crackers. Tied me over nicely until dinner, where I went greedy again and had some of the two things on offer (my mother in law is a pescetarian).

 My check in this morning:
I loved yesterday spending time with the British Boy and his family, I loved that I shouted my being a commitment to balance whilst walking in the country side, and I am grateful that I had a deep and meaningful conversation with a fellow.
Today, I feel guilty as I actually cheated the food plan as in that I had food from both protein options. I had both salmon and chicken curry, though in all honesty, one would have been sufficient. I know it's progress already that I only had one plate, albeit a large one, and that I had carbs, sine I would normally have no carbs at all.
I am looking forward to the day, it’s sunny and I have no plans aside to go for a spring time run and being honest with my food. I am a commitment to balance.
After my run, my brunch was this huge salmon salad with soy glazed vegetables, mango, blueberries and strawberries as well as a piece of toast with honey and marmite and butter and orange marmalade.

I divide the toast into four parts, each with its own topping, so I get a taste of all the things I fancy.

The rest of the day was spent watching movies on the couch whilst knitting and having both a light late lunch of a salad with leftover chicken curry and chick peas on top as well as an amazing Easter treat that is ridiculously easy to make and tastes decadent. Picture in the next post.
Oh, almost forgot, I told my brother in law and his girlfriend about my eating disorder. They reacted totally cool and I am mightily relieved because I now can be me, tell them when I don't want to eat something, why I am on the phone so much and also don't feel I have to lie when I am going to meetings etc. Feels wonderful.

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